A faith recovery fellowship logo with a cross and the words `` recovery begins at the foot of the cross ''.

Righteousness of Christ

FRF Web • November 23, 2022

He hears the cries of His people

Greetings brothers and sisters!

God is good!  All the time, forever and has always been, God...is...Good!  As we near Thanksgiving day in just a day now, we often make practice once a year telling of the things we are thankful for...  As followers of Christ, we know that this is more than just a mere day though, as we are taught to be thankful in all circumstances, for this is the will of God for us in Christ Jesus as it is written in 2 Thessalonians 5:18.  Day in and day out we give thanks to our heavenly Father, in Christ Jesus for all good and perfect gifts come from above and there is nothing that we have received that was not given to us by the Lord our God.  That is amazing news!  In all circumstances God takes care of our every need, He hears us from high heaven as we cry out to Him and leads us in the way everlasting...my brothers and sisters, only God could, would and does care so much for our very souls.  So let's give Him thanks every day for He is worthy, amen!

It was so good to have everyone on Saturday night, we got to share in great testimony, great thanksgiving meal prepared by faithful and loving brothers and sisters and our soul fed by the very Word of God as Pastor Scott faithfully exposits Psalm 34:15-22.  We took a very intimate look at the righteous of God in Christ, and how He alone is righteous...the very thought of what our Lord did for us should bring us to our knees in worship and thanksgiving amen?  Not only did we see how He his eyes are upon the righteous (those in Christ), His ears hear their cry but we also saw how God's very face is against those who do evil.  We can certainly see that one who is Holy, Righteous and Just, must and does punish evil because it is the right and loving thing to do!  We must continue to keep our eyes upon Christ, our heart in His word, and our feet upon the path of righteousness lest we wander off right smack into the open and poisonous arms of sin.  There is so much more to unpack in just these few verses and our own Pastor Scott does faithful job of doing so in the sermon for the night...we highly recommend you take some time and watch, as it can only help us in our spiritual walk beloved! :)

It's very heartbreaking to see that the world amasses itself against the only one who can save them, just as Adam and Eve in the garden ran and hid from the only one who could have saved them in an act of mercy... Brothers and sisters, it is so important that we continue to share the Gospel, be ready in season and out of season.  We know the end outcome of what lies ahead for those who reject the loving mercy that God so freely gives to any who would believe in Christ.  As we remember His perfect righteousness, and how He clothes us in His very own righteous robes to present us without blemish before the Father, let's remember to share His very message to all mankind...repent and believe the Gospel.  It's such good news, and in a world filled with bad news we can only hope that people would be open and willing to receive the best gift possible...Jesus!

With that said, please do watch our sermons, not for anything else other than hearing the Gospel and being built up in Christ and glorifying His name.  Visit us here for more sermons, and don't hesitate to contact us for any spiritual needs you may have, all of us here are more than willing to provide whatever help we can. We all here at FRF love and care for you. We truly hope your thanksgiving is a wonderful and blessed occasion, and that God is at the head of your table for every meal. 

Until we meet again, let's go serve our King! :)

FRF Team

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