Welcome brothers and sisters!
We are back and catching up on our sermon video postings and really hope you enjoy them! God certainly is good amen! No matter where we are, what our circumstances are, God never changes, never leaves us nor forsakes us in Christ...that is great news! Let's not forget to give Him thanks and praise at all times beloved, for He is worthy!
The video for this week is a catch up from November 12th, the 19th will follow shortly. To get started though, we had our own Pastor Jaime come and preach on Colossians 1:19-22, one of the most powerful chapters indeed. Pastor Jaime takes us through the wonderful reconciliation that Christ has completed between us and God, shining light on how we were once so far off...being alienated from God, but now are brought so near in Christ. It pleased God to dwell fully in Christ, to reconcile all things to Himself, so let us keep our eyes on Jesus. Everything we need, who we are, our salvation, our eternity...is entirely wrapped up in Jesus Christ, to look away would be the worst thing we could ever do. We truly encourage you today to listen to this sermon, as well as many of the others we have here online, let not another moment go away wasted looking the other way, but instead to THE WAY, for none of us knows when our time here will end and our lives will be called before God to give account of them. Jesus is worthy of the praise, worship and honor that we pour out on everything else, so brothers and sisters...be sure to share His good news to others, lest they perish.
We also encourage you to visit us in person each week, for worship, fellowship and a meal every Saturday at 7pm. Come and share you testimony, it builds up the body of Christ and spurs us all on to living for Him as we hear the good work He has done in the lives of His people. So come and share your story of how He reconciled you to God amen! Contact us here online as well, for we have many ways we can help in your spiritual walk today. The walk we have with Christ is lived by each person, not vicariously through anyone else...but we aren't called to do so alone, many brothers and sisters are available to help!
The next video will be posted within 24 hours for the 19th of November, and until we meet again...Happy Thanksgiving and let's go serve our King!
FRF Team