Welcome brothers and sisters!
Praise the Lord for giving us news so good, that everything we've ever heard before or will hear after on this earth...pales in comparison! Scratch that, nothing even compares to the good news that God has given us. He even sent His very Son, His only begotten Son to deliver this good news and do the work we could never do to present us with a gift like no other! What gift you might ask? Salvation! Imagine walking into the doctor's office, and he comes in and says "You have cancer...but i've already cured it for you...believe that I did and you will be cured, but if you don't believe...you'll keep that cancer with you." Something as simple as that can change our entire life, and you'd look at that doctor in an entirely new light hopefully. While salvation from sin and that analogy don't compare side by side, hopefully you can get the gist of the meaning. Here is our problem as fallen sinners...we want to keep our cancer (sin), kick the doctor out of our life and tell him we can cure it all by ourselves we don't need you! That in a nutshell is the basepoint of our problem...so God sent His Son, with the Gospel news and we can be saved from our sins. Just as our Lord said, just as John the Baptist said, just as the Apostles have said, repent and believe the Gospel!
It really is a gift that truly gives beyond time, for all eternity as a matter of fact. God gives us the very best, which happens to be Himself, and to be with Him for all eternity...nothing, absolutely nothing compares brothers and sisters! We should be driven to share this very same good news to others! Only the Lord can change a heart, only the Lord can cause a person to believe and put their trust in Christ, but we should desire so strongly that others would be saved we would share the very God breathed word that accomplishes these very things amen? In today's world we spend more time following that "eleventh commandment", thou shalt be nice, and the fear of being rejected or ridiculed stops us in our tracks with that very cure for the death we all rightly deserve as sinners. With all that said, dear brethren we highly encourage you to watch and share this weeks sermon in 1st Corinthians 1:17-31 from Pastor Scott. He faithfully shares the Gospel with all, and we all hope that for that one sinner that might be saved from it. We at Faith Recovery Fellowship love our brethren, and we love lost sinners enough to tell them the truth...we all should! None of us should ever desire that someone, no matter what they have done, would go to hell. God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die upon the cross to save us from His very wrath! We urge you to hear Pastor Scott remind us all how the world most certainly thinks the message of the cross is foolishness, and to those who are perishing it is just as the Lord tells us in His Word. But for those who are being saved, we can find the very wisdom of God in the cross and see both the love of God and the wrath of God poured out upon the cross. Join with us and share the gospel today, let us serve the Lord with fervor and joy in the hopes of seeing that one sinner...be saved.
Please visit us here online, or in person and come worship, fellowship and share a meal with us each Saturday at 7pm. We welcome testimonies of our Jesus Christ has reached into your life and saved you, to Him be all the glory. The only thing we contributed to our salvation...is the sin that made it necessary for Jesus to lay down His life for us, shedding His own blood upon the Cross to save, sanctify and glorify His people.
Brothers and sisters, we love you! We hope to see you next week and until we meet again, let's go serve our King!
FRF Team