Welcome brothers and sisters!
Today is the day, remember? No matter what trial we face today, know that the Lord is with us before we get there, while we are in it and after we come through...He is our very strength and hope in the midst of all things amen? It's far to easy for us to become complacent and forget just how much God does for us, gives good reason as to why the bible teaches us to "Bless the Lord O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: -Psalm 103:2. In all that we do, it is only in Christ do we find that there is a unity and love that this world neither knows or can it even come close to knowing. Knowing this, we are able to look beyond the outward identifiers of who a person is, and see the inward one that marks us as the Lord's. No longer do we look at one another and say "oh there is this nationality or this color, or this gender person", nor do we say "Look there is a Gentile! or there is a Jew!"...no brothers and sisters, in the body of Christ we can look at one another and say "Look there is my brother! Look there is my sister! Look there is a child of God!". That kind of unity just isn't seen in the world, especially what defines our culture today. The world can only love it's own, and even then the love the world knows is a shallow, superficial love. With that said, that is much of the preface of our sermon from Saturday night, and we highly encourage you to take some time today or throughout the week to watch and share Pastor Scott's sermon on Colossians 3:11-17.
One thing we can be certain of, not one of us could know love without Jesus Christ...not one of us could know that holy union without Christ, and most assuredly not one of us could know God without Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ came as promised all the way back in Genesis 3:15, all through the old testament prophets...just as God said. He came and lived that perfect life we could not, He died the death we deserved, and just as He said, He rose from the grave! In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were naked but it was not an issue, until they sinned that had no idea what naked was! God provided then, a sacrifice to clothe them, just as He did for us by providing Jesus, His own Son as the sacrifice for our sins, to clothe us in His righteousness! As our Lord hung there on the Cross, He was naked...truly taking the punishment for our sins, and clothed us with His righteous robes.
Dear beloved family, let us take a serious look at what our Lord did for us, showing us what love truly looks like and bringing us all together in His body, showing us what true unity is, and live accordingly amen? There is no greater thing we can do in this world than to love and obey God, for if we love Him we will desire to do what He wants of us. So join with us today and let's share the Gospel together, let's glorify the name of our Lord in all we do. Let's live in that true love and true unity that can only be found...in Christ alone! We love you dear beloved church and are here to help you in your Christian walk, so we urge you to come and worship with us, share a meal with us and have that wonderful fellowship with us. Share the gospel with us and don't forget to watch and share our sermons. It only takes once for someone to hear the Gospel and start in that faithful life of living for Jesus. We hope to see you next week, Saturday at 7pm and until we meet again, let's go serve our King!
FRF Team