Brothers in Christ,
Faith Recovery Fellowship is in the process of growth, consequently the need for a new facility. The current cost of renting space is becoming cost prohibitive and the space we currently occupy is inadequate for the congregation of FRF Saturday Night. This letter is an open appeal to likeminded churches to share in a growing, exciting ministry. God has blessed FRF with an opportunity to touch a demographic of individuals that are often overlooked. Kind of an out of sight out of mind group that don't get reached with the gospel of Christ.
Faith Recovery started as an outreach ministry in January 2015. Prior to that Pastor Scott Thompson serve as Chaplain as Goose Creek Correctional Center. Asked to be a community Chaplain brought FRF into being. Since that time thru change and the need to provide more services to this community of Ex incarcerated and homeless in the Matsu Valley the ministry has grown to a place of needing a larger facility. The purpose of the new facility is simply to have more space for more individuals and families.
The good news is that we have found a building in the HUB of Wasilla (where we believe we need to be) that will meet that need for the foreseeable future. The building is a 7200 sq. ft. warehouse. The building is structurally sound and with minor renovation can service well the ministry of FRF.
Because we serve a group that is low income and subsistence level the purchase of this facility is outside our ability to buy on our own. We know God has all the resources necessary and this letter is to help the churches better understand out need for assistance.
Please visit us here on our website, to get to know us better.
If the Lord lays it on your hearts to be financially involved with the acquisition of this property, please contact us at 907-367-5683 or email us at here.
Thank you,
Pastor Scott Thompson