A faith recovery fellowship logo with a cross and the words `` recovery begins at the foot of the cross ''.

The Supremacy of Christ, Son of God

FRF Web • May 11, 2023

He has spoken in His Son...

Welcome brothers and sisters!

We are so thankful to have you here and that you would come along and worship with us each week!  Today is a great day, simply because it is one that God has made...so let us rejoice and be glad in it amen?  Every day we have been given, is an amount of grace we simply can't fully fathom, and while every day we fall short of the glory of God...we have Jesus Christ, His Son that lives to forever intercede for us on our behalf!  So today, let's do as the prophet Isaiah wrote and "Wait upon the Lord", for there we will find we have renewed strength. (Isa 40:31)  Waiting upon the Lord means actively serving Him, actively walking out the very life He has communicated to us through His Word as we hold dear to His promises...knowing His return is imminent.  Will you hear those long awaited words from our Lord "Welcome good and faithful servant"?  We certainly pray you do, we pray that many will turn and repent of their sins, putting their trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation and seeking to live after a holy life.

Brothers and sisters, if you weren't at church Saturday night, goodness gracious were you missed!  You also missed a very powerful sermon, which we fortunately have recorded and ready to share!  But to sit before the Lord, enthroned in His Word and be fed a solid message is something you simply can't compare with anything else and that is definitely what we had Saturday!  Pastor Scott faithfully and powerfully preached the Gospel message, true to its core and God was and is certainly praised and glorified from it.  For the night, we began in Hebrews 1:1-3, and beloved those 3 verses alone are so powerful and very much knock down much of what is spread around today in so many churches.  There is so much to unpack in : (The Supremacy of God's Son

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,)

that we urge you to come back each week, as well as read and study for yourself to nourish your soul and ready yourself for the day of "welcome good and faithful servant".  Not only do we get a simple and accurate message of how God communicated in the old covenant and new, we get a view of His glorious nature shining brighter than all in Jesus Christ.  An amazing thing to understand about sitting down at the right hand of God as well...is this:  The temple Holy of Holies had no place to sit down for the High Priest, so his work was never done...it continued over and over.  There was only one seat in there, and it was the ark itself also known as the mercy seat.  It was the place where the high priest would sprinkle blood seeking the dispensation of mercy for those he represented before God.  The mercy seat was where God sat, dispensing out mercy to His people!  So not only did Christ come in, He brought before God His own blood for the sacrifice and SAT down, since Jesus is Lord and God, He is able not only to represent His people, He also dispenses the mercy from the mercy seat!  That's amazing!  It is finished!

Brothers and sisters, the entire message of Jesus Christ is true and the one we all need, not only to hear but to respond in obedience.  What He has done on our behalf is beyond our comprehension of "miraculous", yet it's simple enough for a child to know and understand that we are sinners in need of our savior...so let's run to Him! 

We very much encourage you to watch the sermon from Saturday, and don't forget to check all things to scripture.  Let's be like the noble Bereans who checked everything that the Apostle Paul preached to verify it was true.  We also need to be in the Word daily, for just as we cannot feed our body with a single meal a week...we can't feed our soul with a message from the Gospel once a week either.  The cost of living for Christ is high, the highest even, for we must cast all of our wanton desires aside to take up our Cross and follow after Him.  Are you counting the cost?  Are you ready to give you life to Jesus Christ, who alone can forgive your sins and change your entire way of life to live for God?  Today is the day, and now is the acceptable hour to do so.  Please contact us here at FRF and we can help you in your spiritual walk.  None of us know when our time will come up, but we can be assured that it will...don't wait.  We plead with you on behalf of Christ to turn from your sins and believe the Gospel, put your trust in Christ as you would a parachute when jumping out of a plane.  Put on Christ just as you would that parachute!

Don't forget to check the banner on the front page for the upcoming VBS dates and times, and we hope to see you Saturday for worship, fellowship and a meal afterward.

We love and care for you!  Let's go serve our King!

FRF Team

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