A faith recovery fellowship logo with a cross and the words `` recovery begins at the foot of the cross ''.

The Proverbs - Wisdom, Hope and Foundation

FRF Web • March 9, 2023

Bind them around your neck, as un unbroken chain of gold!

Welcome brothers and sisters!

God is good amen!  The Lord so graciously gives us such wondrous instruction, that we should have written in our hearts, that our very walk in this life is one of praising God, giving Him the glory He is due, and sharing with all others the solid foundation of hope we have in Christ.  Remember to meditate on His law day and night, as you come and go, as your rise up and lay down, at all times our mind must be focused on Jesus Christ.

We welcome you today to partake in this weeks sermon, as Pastor Scott brings before us the very wisdom of God found in the Proverbs.  Our verses for the night were in Proverbs 4:20-27, that call to pay heed to the instructions from the Father and keep them within us.  Meditate upon these very words, and you will always find that God's word holds up at all times, in all times, for all times!


My son, be attentive to my words;
    incline your ear to my sayings.


Let them not escape from your sight;
    keep them within your heart.


For they are life to those who find them,
    and healing to all their
[a] flesh.

Keep your heart with all vigilance,
    for from it flow the springs of life.


Put away from you crooked speech,
    and put devious talk far from you.


Let your eyes look directly forward,
    and your gaze be straight before you.


Ponder[b] the path of your feet;
    then all your ways will be sure.


Do not swerve to the right or to the left;
    turn your foot away from evil.

None of which the Lord gives us to live by is ever evil, bad, untrue...none of it.  All of it is lifegiving, you see see the testimony of that all throughout the bible and Peter even says to Jesus..."Lord where would we go, you have the very words of life!"  This of course is true as the Word of God ( Jesus ) is the very culmination of who God is, revealed to us in bodily form! 

Brothers and sisters, the call of the Gospel is simple, we must repent and believe the Gospel.  We must put our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, without which we are no different the anything this world has to offer.  Jesus came as promised all the way back in Genesis 3, and as the prophets prophesied about the coming Messiah!  We witnessed the Lord of Lords, take up flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, He lived the perfect life under the law that none of us could.  He willingly lay down His own life for His people, nobody could take it from Him.  Upon the Cross He suffered the full bore wrath of God for our sins, that we could be forgiven and it was so, for He said "It is finished!"  His body was laid in a tomb, where after 3 days He rose from the dead, just as He promised!  Because He lives, we live!  It is because of His perfect sacrifice that we can be clothed in His righteousness and presented without blemish before our Heavenly Father.  Remember what He said also, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments."  We aren't keeping them to gain righteousness, but our life should be characterized by the very commandments of God, because we can now love God because He first loved us.  The best part is that we do none of this alone, we have each other in the church and we have the Lord Himself who dwells within us by His Spirit.  Take hearts beloved, for Jesus has overcome the world, and for those who are in Christ, we have also overcome the world!

We encourage you to watch and share the sermon this week and definitely share the Gospel!  We love and care for you and hope to see you in  person each week at 7pm, Saturdays, for worship, fellowship and a meal.

Until we meet again, let's go serve our King!

FRF Team

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