A faith recovery fellowship logo with a cross and the words `` recovery begins at the foot of the cross ''.

The Old and the New

FRF Web • September 7, 2023

From death to life...

Welcome brothers and sisters!

Today is a wonderful day to be alive, for it is one where we have the full Gospel to share with others, each other and to build one another up in our most Holy Faith.   As the days are short we can know a life that is eternal, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His finished works upon the Cross.  There is a great and wonderful message of Salvation that comes to us through Christ alone, by faith alone and we just want to encourage everyone today to continue coming to church to be equipped that we may go out to bid welcome to all who would believe in Jesus into the Kingdom of God.

Saturday night was wonderful as Pastor Scott has continued to bring us though the book of Hebrews, and really show us this amazing culmination of what Christ has done on our behalf.  Saturday we did a synopsis of the whole 9th chapter, getting a wonderful view of the old and the new covenant and the meaning that really has for us in Christ.  Beloved, we encourage you to always check all things according to the scriptures, share the very freeing message of the Gospel from the burden of sin and death, for those who are in Christ...there is no more condemnation!  There is no better message on this earth, or in heaven above then the one that magnifies the Lord Jesus Christ and the work He alone has done.  Below is a synopsis of what we went over and ask that you watch our video for the week and be sure to share it with others.  It only takes once for someone to hear the Gospel to see a change happen, for the Lord saves by the Gospel!  We hope to see you next week!  Contact us here as well for anything we may be able to help or encourage you with in your Christian walk with the Lord.

Hebrews 9 is a chapter that compares and contrasts the old and new covenants that God made with his people. The old covenant was based on the law of Moses and involved a complex system of rituals, sacrifices, and priests. The new covenant is based on the grace of Jesus Christ and involves a simple faith in His death and resurrection. The author of Hebrews explains how the new covenant is superior to the old covenant in several ways:

  • The new covenant has a better sanctuary: The old covenant had an earthly tabernacle with two sections, the holy place and the most holy place, where only the high priest could enter once a year (every year, again and again) with blood to atone for the sins of the people. The new covenant has a heavenly sanctuary, where Christ himself entered once for all with His own blood to secure an eternal redemption for us (Hebrews 9:1-12).
  • The new covenant has a better sacrifice: The old covenant required the blood of animals, which could only cleanse the outward appearance of the worshipers, but not their conscience. The new covenant offers the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, to purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God (Hebrews 9:13-14).
  • The new covenant has a better mediator: The old covenant was inaugurated with blood and depended on the obedience of the people to its terms. The new covenant was established by the death of Christ, who is the mediator of a better promise, an eternal inheritance that is guaranteed by His resurrection (Hebrews 9:15-22).
  • The new covenant has a better hope: The old covenant was temporary and imperfect, pointing to the need for something greater. The new covenant is permanent and perfect, fulfilling what was foreshadowed by the old. Christ appeared once at the end of the ages to put away sin by His sacrifice, and He will appear a second time to bring salvation to those who eagerly wait for Him (Hebrews 9:23-28).

Brothers and sisters, we encourage you to open your bible daily and spend time with the Lord.  One thing to keep in mind is that if we are unwilling to spend time with Him now...we won't want to in all eternity.  Today is the day, and He says to seek Him while He may be found in the book of Isaiah 55:6-7.  If you don't have a bible, ask us and we will be glad to make sure you get one, or if you have online access you can always use www.biblegateway.com as they are a wonderful source to use.

With that said we hope to see you next Saturday for worship, fellowship and a meal starting at 7pm, and until we meet again...let's go serve our King!

FRF Team

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