Welcome brothers and sisters!
Praise the Lord for another day amen? There is a time coming, where there will be no more for life as we know it here on earth, so let us remember our Lord and His Gospel message of Salvation, sharing it with all that we can, while we can amen?
We just wanted to keep everyone updated with the next series in the Hebrews sermons that Pastor Scott has faithfully been bringing before the congregation for all to delight in. The Word of God is amazing, our very lamp and light in this dark world, guiding us into all truth by His Spirit. Our meeting Saturday night was wonderful and we wanted to thank everyone for coming up to share their testimonies, and continue to invite others to do the same. Our testimonies should always put Christ center picture, high and lifted up for the great gift and work He has done on our behalf to save us from our old lives of sin. As we continued in Hebrews we started into chapter 2:1-4 and as always we encourage you to watch and share our videos, also checking all of which to scripture! We aim to be faithful and true to the message given, for only the Lord's Gospel can and does save amen? Below is a synopsis from Saturday night, and again be sure to share the Gospel whenever you have the chance, share our videos and contact us for anything we can help with in your Christian walk. We hope to see you each Saturday starting at 7pm for fellowship, worship and a meal afterward!
Sure, I can try to make it shorter. Here is a possible revised draft:
Pay Attention to God's Salvation, let us no forego such a saving message!
Hebrews 2:1-4 warns us not to drift away from the message of salvation that God has revealed to us through his Son, Jesus Christ. The author argues that if the law given by angels was binding and punishable, how much more serious is it to neglect the salvation that was announced by the Lord himself and confirmed by eyewitnesses and signs?
We need to listen to Jesus and obey him, because he is the Son of God and the heir of all things. His message is more authoritative and reliable than any other. We can lose our grip on the truth and be carried away by the currents of this world. We can become distracted, indifferent, or deceived by false teachings. We can neglect our spiritual growth and our relationship with God.
If we ignore God's salvation, we will not escape his judgment. The gospel is not just a message, but a person: Jesus Christ. He is the Lord who announced His gospel through his words and deeds. He is the Savior who died for our sins and rose again from the dead. He is the King who will come again to judge the living and the dead.
God Himself has testified to His salvation message through supernatural signs. These include not only the miracles of Jesus and his apostles, but also the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to believers. These gifts are for God's glory and for building up his church.
We should not take God's salvation for granted or ignore it. We should pay attention to it and respond to it with faith and obedience. We should cherish it, never taking it lightly and share it with others. It is a great salvation that God has given us through his Son, the only way to the Father is thru Christ Jesus our Lord.
We love you and care for you brothers and sisters, and aim to see the unsaved become saved...join us in sharing this very good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Until we meet again, let's go serve our King!
FRF Team