Welcome brothers and sisters!
What a day it is to enjoy the Lord isn't it? Those of us in Christ, whether we look forward or back in our lives, we can see the great work of our Almighty God...and that brings hope. The way He changes our very outlook upon everything is nothing short of miraculous and it takes God the Father to draw us, God the Son to wash us clean of sin, and God the Holy Spirit to indwell us...bring us to life! The entirety of the Trinity is involved in the saving of His people, how amazing it is to think that God of all creation, would desire us to be in relationship with Him.
Saturday night we began in a new series, Pastor Scott is taking us through "Words of Encouragement"...and let me tell you, given it's the word of God he's preaching, there is nothing more encouraging indeed! So we invite you to sit, relax, watch, share and invite others to surrender their lives to Christ that they too may know the joy of Him. As we go through this series, we always remind everyone to check everything said according to the scriptures. They are our very light in a dark world, so we need to know that what is being taught, is true to what God has revealed in His word. With that said, spend some time with us as we worship together, going over 2nd Thessalonians 1, listening with spiritual ears what the Apostle Paul shares with the church in Thessalonica.
We hope to see you each Saturday in person, starting at 7pm for worship, fellowship and a meal afterward. So until we meet again, let us pray for one another, let us serve together and let us give thanks to Jesus Christ our Lord for doing what only He could, in the salvation of our very souls.
Until we meet again, lets go serve our King!
FRF Family
Words of Encouragement Part 2
Here for part 2 beloved, we have ready to share. As Pastor Scott takes us through 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-12, we encourage you to revisit each key note with us. Be sure to check everything according to the scriptures, and be encouraged that our Lord is coming soon and we should aim to live for and serve Him here and now, and forevermore. Let us look today at the mention of the "Man of Lawlessness" in part 2.
In this passage, the apostle Paul addresses the Thessalonian believers, providing insights into the end times and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here are the key points:
As believers, we must remain vigilant, discerning false teachings and staying anchored in God’s Word. The lawless one’s rise will be temporary, and ultimately, Jesus will overthrow him. Let us stand firm, trusting in God’s sovereignty and eagerly awaiting Christ’s return.
Words of Encouragement Part 3 - 2nd Thessalonians 2:13-17 (Stand Firm)
Part 3 is now up from last weekend and we encourage you to join us as we finish up chapter 2. Part 4 follows up behind that, Part 5 is the last one posted, covering 2nd Thess 3:6-17. Part 4 covers 2nd Thess 3:1-6. We encourage you to watch and share these videos, worship with us in person and remember that there is no better encouragement than God's Word. The truth will set us all free, and Jesus Christ is the truth. Let us hate what is evil and love what is God, just as the Lord says. This doesn't mean hate people, but to love them enough to tell them the truth. Let us continue together in standing firm upon the very word of God as our foundation in all things. We hope to see you this weekend as we move forward brothers and sisters!
***Part 2 Updated, below part 1***
***Part 3 Updated, below part 2***
***Part 4 Updated, below part 3***
***Part 5 Updated, at bottom of page***
FRF Family