Welcome Brothers and Sisters!
Easter (Resurrection Sunday) is a blessed day indeed, let nobody tell you this day is anything other than one that belongs to and celebrates what Jesus Christ came to do for us lost sinners. His merciful grace is wondrous indeed, so much so that while we were still sinners (enemies of God) He came to lay down His life on our behalf to pay the sin debt we owed. We invite you today to watch and share Saturday's sermon from Faith Recovery Fellowship, as Pastor Scott took us through John 17. The High Priestly prayer of Jesus Christ our Lord for us stands true today just as it did then. Let us remember Him this day and every day forever after and lay down our will to serve His alone. The most loving thing we can do, is tell someone the truth and pray that they would have ears to hear. If we were to watch someone headed for a cliff as their eyes were somewhere else, we would call out to warn them of impending danger. We wouldn't be afraid to offend them and let them walk off that cliff right? We should look at that situation, but with more dedication...since sinners without Christ are all headed toward that cliff...
We hope to see you next weekend for worship, fellowship and a meal. Visit us online at https://www.faithrecoveryfellowship.org for more info, news and services. Keep God's word in your heart at all times, for His word is the very light and truth we need in a world of darkness and lies. Jesus conquered death, and because He is risen, so are we who believe in Him! Oh death, where is your sting?
Until we meet again, lets go serve our King!
FRF Family