Welcome brothers and sisters!
Praises are due, for the Lord our God. How could we ever stop praising Him who has given us everything? Though we run into varied troubles and varied joys within the lives we live here on earth, there is one constant...God. Jesus Christ alone has revealed the Father to us who believe, and the Holy Spirit always points us to Christ...this truth never fades, never wanes but stands forever. Today is the day of salvation friends, now is the acceptable hour just as the Word of God says.
We here at FRF have been mightily blessed, and now we get to share in our worship with you in our new location. This is a gift from the Lord and we shouldn't forget that He really does take care of every need. Spiritual needs and earthly needs, there isn't a single one that Jesus Christ cannot meet! Our first meet in our permanent location began with a beautiful sermon on a deeply profound psalm...Psalm 34. We invite you today to watch, share and check everything according to the scriptures as Pastor Scott takes us on a faithful view of Psalm 34, and what it meant for David to praise God at all times as well as how we can apply the message within that psalm to our everyday lives now. Lets review what we went over here :
Psalm 34 provides a profound and moving reflection of God’s character and His divine care for those who seek Him. Here are some key points from this beautiful psalm:
In summary, Psalm 34 perfectly captures the beauty of praising and trusting God no matter the circumstance we find ourselves in, reminding us of His unwavering love and faithfulness. We may find ourselves in fear, our flounder at times...but God remains steadfast and true.
Brothers and sisters, let's make sure we remember and apply this to our lives daily. Share this good news with others, whenever the chance arises! Not one of us knows when our time will end here, but we can know for certain the very one who gives eternal life. Tell someone today not just that Jesus saves lost sinners, but why He did it, why we needed Him and how He went about doing it. Knowing the full story of Christ only cements and strengthens our foundation in Him.
We hope to see you next Saturday for worship, fellowship and a meal afterward. Everyone is invited to church, remember that it's where believers gather to worship and get equipped to go outside of the church to share the Gospel, so others would believe and they in turn will come to church to be equipped. We love and care for you dear friends and until we meet again, lets go serve our King!
***We encourage you to watch the 2nd sermon for Psalm 34 from last week. It is so good to know the comfort of the Lord who cares so greatly for us. Let us surrender all to Him.
FRF Family