We want to take a moment and just say thank you for joining us last Saturday, and right here and now on our website. Being able to serve our Lord by fulfilling the great commission is a wondrous thing. We have all at some point felt so far gone that nothing was in reach, but in reality the Cross most certainly is....matter of fact, Christ reached out and took hold of each of us! That is a beautiful truth, that God would reach out to save us sinners.
Well we have another video to share with you, and certainly hope you enjoy the great truth that Pastor Scott has continued to bring in our series of Colossians. Pastor touches point on verse 16 this last weekend, and his sermon really lays out what it means very well. We also have an announcement regarding some help that some may be in need of, especially in this cold snap we have been having here locally lately. The salvation army has some warming centers available, so anyone who is in need, doesn't have to spend too much time in the dreadful freeze weather we have been having. We also have a thank you for Adult and Teen challenge for the great help they have been, and the testimonies we have heard from the young men has been very edifying. To see what God has done in the lives of these men is just absolutely wonderful...such is the wondrous cross.
Please join us each Saturday at 7pm for fellowship, worship and a meal and of course contact us
at any time, for anything we may be able to help with. Until then....let's go serve our King!