Welcome beloved of God!
We are back and thankful to share the Gospel, and preach Christ and Him crucified! God is good amen? Let's take a moment to remember that, remember how great and merciful He is, and that His way alone is good. This past weekend we had a change of pace, we didn't continue in our normal series in John's Gospel, but took a time out to focus on prayer and the importance of it. Pastor Scott really hones in this week on why our Lord went away to be alone to be in prayer with the Father, and how we also need to live in like manner. When we look at times past, many times the Hebrews had wound up in sticky situations because they didn't first go to God in prayer, in a humble spirit.
The posting this week is going to be short, but let's take it with solemnity and a sober judgement beloved. God certainly deserves more than just a couple minutes to say good morning right? Let's spend some real quality time with God, in a quiet place and really listen. How do we listen? We listen by being in His word, daily, studying diligently what He has spoken in His word...that beloved is how we hear from God. If you want to hear God speak out-loud...well, read your bible out loud :). All kidding aside, it is very good for us to spend time with our Father, our steps need to be guided by Him in all things, as the Lord wills it friends!
After good quality time in His word, how greatly would we be prepared for preaching Christ and Him crucified to a dead and sinful world amen? With that said, we also have prayer meetings on Wednesday currently at 630PM and encourage you to attend. Don't forget to watch this week's sermon and use the tools that God has given us to be near to Him, then share it everywhere! :) Christ is the center of our very existence and so should be the center of our word, thought and deeds amen?
Don't forget to visit us online here, contact us as well for anything we can help with in your Christian walk. We hope to see you next week in person at 7pm for worship, fellowship and a meal afterword!
Until we meet again, let's go serve our King!
FRF Team