Welcome brothers and sisters!
Today is a good day to give the Lord praise amen!
We want to thank everyone for coming last week, it's always so wonderful to share worship, fellowship and a meal with you all. Today's posting is a short and simple one, as we want to continue encouraging you be in the word of God everyday. We also want to encourage you to watch and share this week's sermon, as Pastor Scott continued in Hebrews 5 and 6 and the subject of our maturing in Christ. Pastor Scott faithfully gives us a wonderful sermon upon a very difficult subject and passage throughout the ages, on falling away and being renewed to repentance! Please check out this sermon, it's so good and Pastor Scott brings up some very good points from Kenneth Wuest from his book "Wuest Word Studies". As always we encourage you to check all things according to the scriptures, viewing everything in our lives through it's very lens. Don't forget to contact us for anything we may be able to help you with in your Christian walk by contacting us here. We love you and hope to see you next Saturday at 7pm for worship, fellowship and a meal afterward!
Until we meet again, let's go serve our King!
FRF Team