A faith recovery fellowship logo with a cross and the words `` recovery begins at the foot of the cross ''.

Jesus, Our Great High Priest cont...

FRF Web • July 18, 2023

Jesus is greater...

Welcome brothers and sisters!

We are so thankful to be given the opportunity by the Lord to share the wonderful saving Gospel that comes from Christ alone.  God is so very good amen? Amen!

Saturday night was wonderful, from the testimonies, music, and worship in His Word.  We are blessed to be able to share meals with one another, fellowshipping with all who come and to hear the scriptures.  Pastor Scott has been taking us through the book of Hebrews and it has been a great series of sermons thus far, last week we looked at Jesus in the role of High Priest and Saturday we continued in Hebrews 5:1-10 focusing our view more on that role and how Jesus is the greater in it!  The following is a brief overview of the sermon, sources are biblegateway.com, Microsoft Bing and as always the Bible.  Don't forget brothers and sisters, to always check all things through the lens of scripture, being like the noble Bereans.  There are a great many wolves in this world who dress up in sheep's clothing, desiring to turn the true sheep astray.  But thanks be to Jesus Christ, our Great Shepherd that keeps us close to Him through the Holy work of the Holy Spirit, testifying to Christ and always leading us to Him.  We also encourage you to contact us for anything we can help you with in your Christian walk, be sure to visit us here for more sermons, news and more!  We also encourage you to share our sermon videos, and even MP3's now, for the moment is always right to share the Gospel.  Not one of us know what the next day, let alone the next minute will hold, so we should preach Christ and Him crucified in love and truth.

Hebrews 5:1-10 tells us that Jesus is our high priest, who represents us before God and offers Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He also learned obedience through suffering and became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him.

Jesus as our high priest

Jesus is different from human high priests, who are weak and sinful. He is the Son of God, who is sinless and eternal. He does not offer animal blood or gifts, but His own life. He does not enter the earthly sanctuary, but the heavenly one.  He sat down at the right hand of God the Father, for His work was finished.  No other high priest in history sat down in the sanctuary.  The only seat available in the Holy of Holies is the throne of grace, of which only the Lord sits upon. He does not intercede for us once a year, but continually. He does not secure a temporary redemption, but an eternal one.

Jesus is a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek, a mysterious king and priest who blessed Abraham and had no genealogy or successor, Melchizedek was a "type of Christ". He foreshadowed Christ, who is the true king of righteousness and peace, who has an unchangeable priesthood, and who is superior to Abraham and the Levites.

Jesus as our obedient Savior

Jesus became our high priest through his incarnation, suffering, death and resurrection. He prayed to God with cries and tears and obeyed his will even to the point of death on the cross. He fulfilled all the requirements and expectations of his role as our high priest. He opened the way for us to enter God’s presence with confidence.  Jesus is the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him. We are saved by grace through faith in His obedience and work on our behalf. We show our faith by our obedience to his commands. To obey Jesus means to trust Him, love Him and follow Him as our Lord and Savior.  He said if we love Him, we are to keep His commandments. Jesus was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek. He was officially recognized and authorized by God to be our high priest, not by human appointment or tradition, but by divine decree and prophecy. He was the fulfillment of God’s plan and promise to provide a high priest who could truly represent us and reconcile us to God.


Hebrews 5:1-10 teaches us about Jesus as our high priest and obedient Savior. Let us praise him, thank him, trust him and obey him.  He lives forever to intercede on our behalf, so we should never seek to cheapen that beautiful grace He has granted us.

Let us all remember, it's not by us keeping His commandments to give us righteousness, for He has kept them to give us His.  We keep His because we love Him, as He first loved us.  We show the good works we have in Christ by our faith in Him alone.  What better work could there be, than to obey the Lord?  He took upon Himself the debt and punishment that we all owed for our crimes...our sin!  Then after He suffered our punishment, He rewarded us with what is His, righteousness.  God loves to show His grace in saving lost sinners, so let us share that beautiful message of the Gospel, that faith in Christ alone can save.  Let us live in repentance every day and encourage others to repent of their sins, turning away from them so that they would turn to Christ Jesus.  We love you, and hope to see you in person each Saturday starting at 7pm for worship, fellowship and a meal afterward. 

Until we meet again, let's go serve our King!

FRF Team

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