Welcome brothers and sisters and Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and many more to come!
Christmas is a wonderful time where we gather and remember that the very first promise in Genesis 3:15 comes to fruition, the realization of Isaiah 9:6...and so much more. Our God is a God of wonder, and He certainly leaves us in absolute awe over everything He does. Just think, the fact that He came down from heaven, took on flesh like us, lived the perfect life we failed to do, willingly laid down His life on behalf of His people who were at dead in their trespasses and sin...enemies of God, took on the shame of being nailed to a cross, buried in a grave for 3 days...then rose again just as He promised! All of this should leave is in awe of the magnanimous love that He has for us! So we invite you to watch, share and go forth to share the very same Gospel message that He came and gave to us. The Gospel that brings life to those who are dead in sin, is the greatest message one could ever hear. Today is the day and now is the acceptable hour, repent and believe the Gospel that you would know life in Jesus Christ, the only savior of mankind!
We thank everyone for coming and sharing Christmas service with us as Pastor Scott took us through Matthew 1:18-25, the Lord's supper and the candlelight song afterward was wonderful. Let us continue to honor God together, by submitting to Christ in all areas of life, for He is the very author of life and knows best how we are to live. Being surrendering to Christ...a Christian isn't easy, but it is the most life giving reward there is, for Jesus Christ is worthy of all honor, glory, worship, praise and obedience. Amen and Amen! :)
We hope to see you at our next service, and please let us know if we can help you in your Christian walk in any way, for we are called worship together beloved. With that said, see you at 7pm for worship, fellowship and a meal afterward and until we meet again, lets go serve our King!
FRF Family