Welcome back dear beloved family!
We had quite the break from postings due to unfortunate circumstances with our Camera, as well as some upcoming news that we are moving locations! More information on that to be posted soon! But here we are in the new year, and Lord willing we are all following God's lead as we walk together in His will. Let us give praise, worship and thanksgiving to the one who gives us hope that never dies, and provides for our every need as we help one another in our Christian walk...to Christ Jesus be the Glory AMEN!
As we begin this new year, Pastor Scott has taken us into the 1st Thessalonians epistle and it is wonderful. As he exposits the importance that the Apostle Paul was giving in 1st Thessalonians 3 from Saturday night, we dive deeply into encouraging one another, good news, sharing of the faith and much more. We should remember always that none of us walks out our Christian faith alone, we all walk with God, our local church body and all brothers and sisters in the faith. As we share the Gospel not only with those who don't believe, but with our fellow brothers and sisters, it brings great joy to each of us to hear the good work that the Lord is doing all the time. Whether it is news of us growing in our faith, or someone being saved, those who are our elders and those who are brand new to the faith all stand to gain in spiritual joy and hope as we build each other up in our most holy faith. We should always remember to do everything as unto the Lord amen? With that said, here is a recap from chapter 3 and as always we encourage you to watch and share our sermon videos, listen to us on the radio and always check everything according to the scriptures. If we don't stand upon God's word as He has revealed it, we don't have anything to stand upon at all. Please contact us for any questions or just to share some good news with the church that brings God glory, and until we meet again...lets go serve our King!
In this chapter, Paul expresses his concern for the Thessalonians’ faith and sends Timothy to encourage them. Timothy returns with good news that the Thessalonians are steadfast in their faith and remain fondly attached to Paul. This encouraging report brings comfort to Paul in his own afflictions and distress. Paul rejoices in the Thessalonians’ steadfastness in faith, which makes his life worth living. He yearns to see them and to provide what might be lacking in their faith. Paul ends the chapter with a prayer to God to let him visit the Thessalonians again, and for their love for each other and everyone else to increase, thus making their hearts strong and holy.
FRF Family