A faith recovery fellowship logo with a cross and the words `` recovery begins at the foot of the cross ''.

Proclaim the Gospel, Boldly & Simply

FRF Web • December 21, 2023

Let us leave flattery of speech behind...

Welcome beloved family!

Christmas is almost here, but the season to rejoice is always ever present!  As we remember the promises kept by the Lord our God in Jesus Christ His Son, let us continually offer praise and surrender of our lives up to Him.  May He be glorified in all we do!

We are thankful to have been able to spend last Saturday with everyone as we joined together to worship our Lord and Savior, and hope to see everyone this week also!  Pastor Scott faithfully took us through 1st Thessalonians 2:2-6 for the evening, showing us how staying true to the message of the Gospel is all we need to do.  As the Apostle Paul reminds us in word and deed, the simply truth of the Gospel is what changes the hearts of sinful mankind...something only God can do.  We all however are all called to proclaim the message God has given us in His Word.  We encourage you to revisit the video and share with others, study along with us, and labor with us in staying true to what God has spoken in His Word.  We need not go beyond what is written, as we can see from the review of Saturday's sermon.  We hope to see you each week brothers and sisters, ask that you contact us for anything we may be able to help with in your Christian walk and above all...proclaim the Gospel.  We love and care for each of you!

How Paul Preached the Gospel with Integrity and Boldness

In this passage, Paul defends his ministry to the Thessalonians, who had faced opposition and persecution from their fellow Jews and Gentiles. Paul reminds them of how he and his companions had preached the gospel to them with integrity and boldness, despite having suffered in Philippi before. He also assures them that he did not seek any human praise or glory, but only God’s approval and glory.

Paul’s Motivation: God’s Approval

Paul says that his appeal to the Thessalonians did not spring from error, impurity, or deception, but from God’s approval and entrustment. He says that he spoke the gospel not to please people, but God, who tests the hearts. He also says that he never used flattery, greed, or authority to manipulate or exploit the Thessalonians, but God is his witness.

Paul’s motivation for preaching the gospel was not to gain popularity, wealth, or power, but to be faithful to God’s calling and commission. He knew that God had entrusted him with the gospel, and that God would judge his motives and actions. He did not care about what people thought of him, but what God thought of him.

Paul’s Method: God’s Boldness

Paul also says that he and his companions had boldness in God to declare the gospel to the Thessalonians, in the midst of much conflict. He says that they had previously suffered and been treated outrageously in Philippi, where they were beaten and imprisoned for preaching the gospel. But they did not let that stop them from proclaiming the gospel in Thessalonica, even though they faced strong opposition there as well.

Paul’s method of preaching the gospel was not to avoid suffering or conflict, but to rely on God’s power and protection. He knew that God had given him the courage and the strength to speak the gospel, and that God would deliver him from any trouble. He did not fear what people could do to him, but what God could do for him.

Paul’s Message: God’s Glory

Paul also says that he and his companions did not seek glory from people, whether from the Thessalonians or from others, even though they could have asserted their authority as apostles of Christ. He says that they were gentle among them, like a nurse caring for her children, and that they shared not only the gospel, but also their own lives, because they loved them. He also says that they worked hard, day and night, to not be a burden to them, and that they behaved in a holy, righteous, and blameless way among them.

Paul’s message of preaching the gospel was not to exalt himself or his companions, but to exalt God and his Son, Jesus Christ. He knew that God had called him to be a servant and a witness of the gospel, and that God would reward him for his faithfulness. He did not seek praise from people, but praise from God.

Please come and worship with us each Saturday, and always give God the glory...for He alone is worthy!  Until we meet again, lets go serve our King!

FRF Family

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