Welcome back beloved family. Welcome to first time visitors, return visitors and all manners in between! We sure are thankful to share every bit of the Gospel that the Lord God gives to us, amen?
We want to ask everyone to pray for our dear sister Glenda, who had an unfortunate health incident at church and an ambulance had to be called, she was up and talking with the paramedics as they took her to the hospital, but it is always a hard thing to see when a loved one is hurting. Join together with us in praying for a rapid recovery, and the strength to walk in the way of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sister.
This last Saturday, we were honored to have Pastor Bob come and preach out of the book of James, certainly not an easy thing to do by any means. However, when God is truly at work within you, you'll stand amazed at the message that the Lord brings each time, and every single time your depth of understanding is plumbed further and further! A monumental gift indeed....are you ready?
Pastor Bob continued on a previous sermon from where he preached upon the tongue, the mighty little muscle in our mouth that is a fiery hotbed disaster waiting to happen when unbridled. So it was from here that we jumped back into a very powerful message for the night (James 1:1-4;12), one can only imagine how it turned the heads and lives upon those in the 1st century church! It is here that we are given the view of faith in right manner, but is so often misunderstood. Faith without works....is dead... What did James mean by that? Surely he wasn't advocating for works like the Judaizers did was he? Rest assured he wasn't, Pastor Bob does a great job at breaking down the meaning of faith, and the fact that a faith that is alive, works the works that God has planned out for us in advance. Remember, we were created for good works by God, which is fantastic news, for none of us can do any good work apart from Christ! We don't work for salvation, but because we are saved, we do good works.
Trust this writer when it is said that Pastor Bob does a far greater job at explanation, so it is encouraged greatly to watch last Saturday's video. We also encourage you to visit us in person, we enjoy worship, fellowship and meals with our brothers and sisters, and to do so in the presence of the Lord makes it all the more blessed. We also hope you take a look around our website and if there is anything that we can do to help you in your walk with Christ, please don't hesitate to ask. Our adversary the devil, likes to isolate believers, but Jesus brought us together, and we shall stay that way amen?
Until we meet again, may your faith be alive, as Christ Jesus is alive!
FRF Team