Welcome brothers and sisters!
This week our sermon continues on from last in 2nd Timothy, verses for the night are chapter 2 1 through 11. Let's take the time daily to give thanks to the Lord, stay strong in His Grace, and share the Gospel wherever we go. Please watch and share the next sermon with others and we hope to see you for part 3! Let's not forget either just as we study tonight in 2nd Timothy, to not get entangled with the things of this world. We shouldn't get caught up in, even politics....there are many things in this world that a good soldier of Christ should certainly avoid, one that we so often overlook is politics! Between the division, the open door to anger and the fanaticism that can most occur, we are simply asking the enemy to waltz right in! Brothers and sisters, we appeal to you to stay strong in the Lord and His grace, and remember that you never walk your Christian life all alone. Each of us is a part of the same body of Christ, and we should call on one another for prayer, intercession and strength within the body. Above all, we can and must call upon the Lord Jesus Christ who is the very capstone of our life, with all that said...please watch and share our sermons and even more importantly the full gospel with others. Stay in the word of God daily, and always check everything preached to the scriptures as we aught. We love and care for you beloved family!
Visit us in person each week at 7pm on Saturdays for worship, fellowship and a meal!
Until we meet again, let's go serve our King!
FRF Team