Welcome brothers and sisters!
The resurrection Sunday has recently come by and we are all reminded of the greatest news...He is risen! Seeing that empty tomb was quite the shock at first, but the exhilarating joy that came with seeing our Lord was one that went with the disciples everywhere until the day they died. The firm, solid foundational proof of all that was spoken in the law and the prophets, was standing right there in front of them!
Blessed day indeed brethren, we hope everyone had a great easter weekend. There is no greater news knowing that our Lord is risen, the tomb is empty and death has lost its sting. We live because He lives! Saturday night was wonderful, as we shared in the Lord's supper, gave testimony and listened to the Gospel, we were reminded that the love God has for His people is fully on display in His beloved Son. As you share in today's video, we pray that Pastor Scott's message from the Gospel (1st Cor 15) touches your heart and soul and renews your vigor and love for Jesus Christ. We will let the video speak for itself, for in all honesty can any of us do or say anything that "makes His message look more appealing?" Hopefully everyone should answer with a resounding "NO WAY!" So with that said dear friends, please watch, share, subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Our aim is that everyone would hear and believe the Gospel, that everyone would know that joy of the tomb being empty. To see the indescribable joy on their face when they hear the same message of "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen."
Brothers and sisters, let us all join together in sharing the Gospel, living truly for Christ each day, for what better reward is there than to be with Him for all eternity? There is none, there certainly is not a single thing better than believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and being with Him.
We hope to see you next week for worship, fellowship and a meal afterward starting at 7pm on Saturday. Bring your testimony, bring your friends, family and enemies...and definitely bring your heart in humble surrender before the Lord. :)
We love you and until we meet again, let's go serve our King!
FRF Team