Welcome back dear family!
This Saturday was a cooooooold one, so for everyone who was able to make it, we thank you and we thank God for bring you in safely. Sometimes it's hard to find joy in those circumstances, or any circumstance that may bring discomfort right? Tonight we delve into what the Apostle Paul had to say on this particular subject, especially as he shows us how he found Joy in his circumstances, no matter what they were....for they furthered the Gospel of Christ everywhere he went. Take a moment to think about what Paul went through, for Christ our Lord, certainly his experience in the matter warrants our attention, amen?
Our beloved Pastor Scott, takes us right into Philippians 1:12 tonight, and it's worth every moment. Far too easy it for us sinners to get hyperfocused on ourselves, and our distress, that we fail to see the great work God is doing within it! Remember for a moment Joseph being sold by his brothers, they meant it for evil...yet God meant it for Good. So please join us tonight and we hope that this message can help with redirecting the thoughts we all may have about what we go through, right unto how what we go through could be used to spread the Gospel and magnify Christ Jesus!
Brothers and sisters, we also encourage you to join us each week for fellowship, worship and a meal...every Saturday at 7pm! It brings great joy to our heart to see everyone each week, and all throughout the week. We offer a great deal of services to everyone in need, and ask that you visit us right here on the website, or in person, contacting us at any time.
To borrow a well put saying from our brother in Christ over at Wretched Radio (Todd Friel) "Until tomorrow, go serve our King!"
May the Lord bless you and keep you in His Word daily,
FRF Team