Greetings Brothers and Sisters!
Well we are back once again, with another video of last Saturday's fellowship and it was wonderful. We were blessed with a fantastic testimony from a sister who was kind enough to share with us the great work that Christ has done in her life, and help us to connect to one another in the realization that He has done that for each of us in one way or another. We thank you her for sharing and hope you enjoy it.
Pastor Scott delivered tonight a powerful sermon on our Spiritual growth, and what it should look like in our lives. We had Colossians 1 preached on this past evening and Pastor Scott did a great job, surely the Spirit is alive and well in his sermons. There are a few cues added into the video to help you follow along with us as well.
We sure are thankful for everyone who came this evening, it was a cold night out and you chose to worship with us. We hope to see each and every person come back, and to bring others along for worship, fellowship and a meal. Contact us anytime through our website as well, we do have a van service that can arrange for rides also. Without taking too much from the video and without further ado, please take a moment to sit back, relax and watch or rewatch this last Saturday's video.
God Bless,
FRF Team