Welcome once again brothers and sisters, and welcome first time visitors!
We are so thankful that you have taken some time to share with us, share in worship, fellowship, meals and most of all, share in Christ. Every week, but not just on Saturdays, the Lord brings us together to accomplish His purposes, and there is nothing more beautiful than seeing the will of our Heavenly Father fulfilled in His Son, amen? What's also so wonderful is that we are able to do this with every believer, no matter distance, time, age or even language. The language of Truth is universally spoken by all, and absolute in meaning, found in Christ alone. With that said, we really encourage you to take a moment today to watch last Saturday's gathering.
Pastor Scott really focused in on Ephesians 4:23-25, and the urgent importance we have in putting on Christ. Pastor Scott explained it so well, as he echoed the words of the Apostle Paul, that putting on Christ was likened unto putting on a garment that has been dyed a completely new color...old fabric yet remains, but new character all together. This is what it is like to be a Christian, having the old sinful self still there, but the new creation has come, old is gone. It really is a beautiful mystery, but well explained by our beloved Pastor.
So, with that said, please take a few moments to watch, review, share and come visit us. Don't let today get away from you, without knowing Christ, it's a gamble simply not worth taking friends. For any other concerns, needs or just want to chat with us, you can contact us either in person, or through our website here. There is much that we have available to help in your spiritual walk.
Until the next we meet, may God gather you unto Himself,
FRF Team