Welcome back beloved family of God!
What a friend, what a savior, what a God we have in Jesus! Every day that we wake up into, is a day His mercies are new, let us take a moment today and all throughout the day to give thanks to the Lord for establishing His plans before the foundation of the world that we may be witnesses to His Glory...amen!
Friends, we are back yet again with another wonderful sermon from last Saturday, where Pastor Scott continues in the new series with John 1. The verses that we studied thru for the evening were John 1:-19-24, specifically focusing on John the Baptist and his role in preparing the way for the Lord. Pastor Scott delves deep into the parallels of John the Baptist and Elijah, not the same person, but of the same Spirit. Brothers and sisters, this sermon is fantastic as it shines such light on the Lord and the preparation He made from before the foundation of the world, delivered through the prophet Isaiah and then through John the Baptist. It really should make us all the more love the Lord our God at just how much He does for us, and the depths of His Salvation in Christ Jesus.
With that said, this week's entry will be short because we really encourage you to watch as well as visit us in person for worship, fellowship and a meal (Saturdays at 7pm). We truly are thankful that we can share every bit of the Gospel with you all, and you with us. Let us continue to build each other up in our most Holy faith, spurring one another on to good deeds...all the while glorifying the name of the Lord at every step. The most important thing we can do today, is surrender to Jesus Christ, our Lord, and share the Gospel with all. The only way to know God is through is His Son, and He has given us His Spirit and His written Word, let's all together be as the Bereans, and study the scriptures daily. Judgement is coming as promised, but God has provided the way of Salvation from it, and that is in Christ alone, by faith alone, by His Grace alone.
Until next we meet dear brothers and sisters, visit us here on the website, and contact us for any and all things that we can help with to help you in your Christian walk.