A faith recovery fellowship logo with a cross and the words `` recovery begins at the foot of the cross ''.

For God Loved the World

FRF Web • May 11, 2022

He gave His most precious gift to us...

Welcome back beloved family of God!

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! - Psalm 118:24.

We should think on this very thing from the moment our eyes open, before we step out of bed and go about the day right?  Today is a great gift that the Lord has given us, for in it we rejoice in His mercy, we rejoice in His blessed hope, we rejoice in His Salvation!  Let's take a look today at the latter of these, His Salvation.  Brothers and sisters, we have all heard like the rest of the world, about John 3:16, how God loved the world...but unlike the world, we get to obey not only a great gift but a command to continue in His word...so we can see the full context laid out before us.  Today we have a wonderful video ready from last Saturday, and our beloved Pastor Scott, takes us through the full context of verses 16 thru 21 in the 3rd chapter, in the Gospel of John.  We can have that understanding that, yes, absolutely does God love the whole world (Cosmos), that He sent His only begotten Son...but it doesn't end there, as Pastor Scott takes us deeper, we can see that it's not just a universal call of believing, but that there are some condemned already because they did not believe in the only begotten Son of God.  Men loved darkness rather than the light, for coming into the light brings up the fear in mankind that their darkness will be exposed.  Many people will proclaim that they "believe in Jesus", but does the tree show fruit of that declaration of faith?  Do we truly understand the gravity of who Jesus is, and what that means to our entirety of life? 

We will all spend eternity somewhere, and there is only two places that can be...in the presence of God's love and glory forevermore...or in the presence of God's Holy wrath forevermore.  Jesus is the truth, the life and the way dear friends, and we must proclaim that message to everyone if we truly love them.  Heaven and Hell are a very real place, and God (Our Father) loves us so dearly that He crushed His own Son upon the Cross, that the penalty for Sin and Death that was owed to us, He (Jesus) freely took upon Himself (Jesus), so that by the shedding of His blood, He would clothe us in His righteousness! 

There is a very real foundation in Christ, and unless the very lives we have are built upon that bedrock, we will be washed away in the coming storm. Remember, Hell doesn't simply mean "separated from God", it means separated from His loving presence, but those in hell are very much in the presence of God's wrath. 

11 And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”  - Revelation 14:11

Let us implore to others together, as ambassadors of Christ, to everyone to repent, and believe in the Son of God, Jesus Christ...the very one of the scriptures as promised from the beginning.  From us here at Faith Recovery Fellowship, we love and care for everyone that God does, and we long to obey His glorious commandments to us all.  By grace, thru faith, in Christ alone, we walk and live together, amen? Amen!

Don't forget to share our videos, share the Gospel most importantly, even if you don't see the fruit that comes from the seeds you plant, they may be for another to bring in the harvest.  Our website has contact information, volunteer opportunities and our past sermons, give them a look as you go :) And don't forget our worship time on Saturday, 7pm for worship, fellowship and a meal!

Until next we meet,

FRF Team

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