Welcome brothers and sisters!
We are glad to have everyone back each week, and even more thankful that we can share in the Gospel together. God is so worthy to be praised, known, listened to and obeyed. The very one who is Himself good, knows the very best for us and there is no better than Jesus our Lord, Savior, High Priest and God! Saturday night was wonderful to share in all of this with you and we encourage you to watch and share today's video posting from Saturday's sermon.
As Pastor Scott continues in His faithful representation of the book of Hebrews, we got a very close view...the culminating point of what the write of Hebrews was getting to. Below is a synopsis from the section we covered in Hebrews 8:1-6, and we highly encourage as always to check all things according to the scriptures. It is the very lens we need in this life, which this age is desperate to blind us to. With that said, please be sure to spend time with the Lord daily, every day we need to be in His word asking Him to help us understand and to walk with Him in spirit, right along in step. It's far too easy to run ahead and get lost, or lag behind and get lost, we need our great High Priest and Shepherd to guide us along the way. We pray in that we together would be used to share the Gospel, the most important message and calling of our time to edify one another, proclaim the truth to this dying world and to exalt the Lord in all we do. We don't need to have this gigantic intellect or fill our message with eloquence, nor do we have to defend the Gospel itself...no we simply proclaim the Gospel then stand to one side and watch the very power of God work in the lives of people and celebrate together as the Holy Spirit does what only He can do. We love you and care for you brothers and sisters!
The book of Hebrews shows how Jesus is better than everything in the old covenant. One of the ways is by showing how Jesus is a better high priest than the ones who served in the earthly tabernacle. Jesus has a better position, a better ministry, and a better sanctuary than the old covenant high priests. He has fulfilled and surpassed everything that they could only point to. He has opened up a new and living way for us to approach God with confidence and joy. He is our great High Priest, who sympathizes with our weaknesses and gives us mercy and grace in our time of need. So let us turn to Him with humble hearts, seeking to follow after Him...the very one who gave His life to pay the sin debt we all owed.
Until we meet again, let's go serve our King!
FRF Team