A faith recovery fellowship logo with a cross and the words `` recovery begins at the foot of the cross ''.

Christmas and Lights in the World

FRF Web • December 21, 2021

Merry Christmas! Let us WORSHIP the LORD!

Welcome back beloved of God!

It is a precious time of year that we gather, when we celebrate the fact that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ came down to earth to be born in the most humble of beginnings.  The true light of heaven came to give light to a very dark world, and in all He did, from being born as one of us (human), living the perfect life we failed to do, willingly laying His life down for us, taking the weight and wrath due our sin upon Himself, being laid in the grave and rising from the grave three days later just as promised, and is now reigning upon His throne forevermore.....that should give cause for great celebration amen!

We want to thank God for all He has done, who He is and why He has done all of this, and we want to share it all with you.  Every week, whether it be Saturday evenings, or Tuesday mornings, or any other gathering time for that matter, we are able to come together by the grace and love of God.  We also get to see Him move in each of your lives as well, and it really is a blessed thing to be witness to. 

This past Saturday (the last one until January 8th), we gathered to celebrate, worship, fellowship and have a meal together...thank you all for coming to spend it with us.  We were honored to have a dear brother and his lovely wife (Eddie and Terri) share his time honored Christmas dinner tradition (Filipino Christmas Dinner) as handed down by his mother...and goodness gracious it was absolutely wonderful.  The time and effort, love and care that was put into the week long preparation that we all enjoyed in just a couple hours, was a gift to remember.  Thank you brother and sister for sharing such a heartfelt meal with all of us!

Pastor Scott continued in his sermon in Philippians, the verses being chapter 2:12-18, was the perfect focus for the time of year as well..."Lights in the world".  The Apostle writes and clearly shows us a beautiful picture of what it looks like to serve the Lord whether we are in front of one another, or there is nobody else in our presence.  There is also a very pointed picture of everyday life we take for granted pointed out...we argue and grumble about that which we shouldn't.  The Lord provides us with all that we need, and it's humbling to remember that we often grumble about things we ought not right?  The world we live in is a rather perverse and crooked place to live and without our eyes focused upon Christ, we fall prey to every trap and pitfall it has to offer.  Brothers and sisters, an urgent call is placed upon us all to listen to the Lord, walk in the light, for we live in a world of darkness that is beyond our imagining....but God can and does save the worst sinners of us all.  Let us live our lives as a living sacrifice to the Lord our God, amen?

As we finish up our writing today, we hope you take some time to watch the video we have from last weekend and share it with everyone!  We will not meet again here on Saturday until January 8th, at 7pm.  Until then, please contact us right here on the website and spend time with your family, friends and always God this Christmas.  We love you all and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us here at Faith Recovery Fellowship!

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