Greetings brothers and sisters!
Welcome once again to our weekly news update and review of the last week. As always, firstly we just want to praise the Lord, and thank Him that He would bring us together, establishing a new covenant with us, by His body, and His blood. We want to thank you as well for being so faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ, and sharing in worship of Him with us each week, we love you dearly.
The Lord's table, a humbling table indeed! We have been invited by God Himself to come and sit at His table, to break bread with Him. He has provided everything we need, including what we are clothed in. Please, come and sit at the Lord's table, clothed in His righteousness giving your heart unto Jesus. We had just a taste of this, this last Saturday and we shall do it in remembrance of the Lord each time we do.
Pastor Scott gave us meaning of why and how we have communion with the Lord, and preaching from Luke and 1st Corinthians, our souls were surely fed the bread of life. There is so much to unpack in the communion time, and we really encourage you to take some time to watch this weeks video as Pastor walks us through communion at the Lord's table. Every week, the Lord feeds our soul in every way imaginable, and beyond that, we invite you to come and hear the gospel, whether it's the first time or the 500th time, it is always refreshing, nurturing and a joy to partake of.
We also invite you to take a look here within our website and contact us for anything that we may be able to help you with, we have numerous services. Everyone is equally important to us, and we would like to show you that, by sharing Jesus Christ, and the good news that He brings. He brings forgiveness for every sin, faith to the lost, hope to the broken, love to the outcasts....and far more than we may think or imagine, come....join us in knowing the Lord our God, through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
Blessings to you, and see you soon we hope!
FRF Team.